
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Essay Topics - Easy 5th Grade Tips

Essay Topics - Easy 5th Grade TipsWith all the homework being done in the fifth grade, students tend to concentrate on their final essays. So, students have to use essay topics that will be challenging and interesting.Writing is an art and therefore, a student should know how to use their creative energy in a way that will add to the content of the essay. The essays, in the form of paper, should consist of a thesis statement, conclusion, and personal notes. The thesis statement is what lays out the principles of the argument. Thus, if the student wants to take the academic route, then they should make sure that the main thrust of the essay is clear and concise.The conclusion is usually followed by the personal notes. This is meant to discuss how the student feels about the whole essay and how they hope to improve on it. Some students might not like this part since it might make them sound arrogant or whiny, but it is the end of the paper after all.Students might also need to list the benefits that they will get from completing the essay. This should be done carefully since they may mention some things that are not really that important.The final part of the essay, personal notes, can be made with information that relates to the topic that the student has chosen for the essay. Again, they might want to mention some things that they don't really like, but that is what makes them unique.Before the final draft, make sure that all your assignments are finished. There should be no more work to do and it should be completed before your final exam time. If a student can manage to avoid that, then he will be awarded for the achievement.These essay topics can be used to help a student in getting his grades up. It is only meant to be used as an addition to what the student already knows. If the student uses it correctly, then he might just make his schoolwork stand out among the others.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

How to Use If and Only If in Mathematics

When reading about statistics and mathematics, one phrase that regularly shows up is â€Å"if and only if.† This phrase particularly appears within statements of mathematical theorems or proofs. But what, precisely, does this statement mean? What Does If and Only If Mean in Mathematics? To understand â€Å"if and only if,† we must first know what is meant by a conditional statement. A conditional statement is one that is formed from two other statements, which we will denote by P and Q. To form a conditional statement, we could say â€Å"if P then Q.† The following are examples of this kind of statement: If it is raining outside, then I take my umbrella with me on my walk.If you study hard, then you will earn an A.If n is divisible by 4, then n is divisible by 2. Converse and Conditionals Three other statements are related to any conditional statement. These are called the converse, inverse, and the contrapositive. We form these statements by changing the order of P and Q from the original conditional and inserting the word â€Å"not† for the inverse and contrapositive. We only need to consider the converse here. This statement is obtained from the original by saying â€Å"if Q then P.† Suppose we start with the conditional â€Å"if it is raining outside, then I take my umbrella with me on my walk.† The converse of this statement is â€Å"if I take my umbrella with me on my walk, then it is raining outside.† We only need to consider this example to realize that the original conditional is not logically the same as its converse. The confusion of these two statement forms is known as a converse error. One could take an umbrella on a walk even though it may not be raining outside. For another example, we consider the conditional â€Å"If a number is divisible by 4 then it is divisible by 2.† This statement is clearly true. However, this statement’s converse â€Å"If a number is divisible by 2, then it is divisible by 4† is false. We only need to look at a number such as 6. Although 2 divides this number, 4 does not. While the original statement is true, its converse is not. Biconditional This brings us to a biconditional statement, which is also known as an if and only if statement. Certain conditional statements also have converses that are true. In this case, we may form what is known as a biconditional statement. A biconditional statement has the form: †If P then Q, and if Q then P.† Since this construction is somewhat awkward, especially when P and Q are their own logical statements, we simplify the statement of a biconditional by using the phrase if and only if. Rather than say if P then Q, and if Q then P we instead say P if and only if Q. This construction eliminates some redundancy. Statistics Example For an example of the phrase â€Å"if and only if† that involves statistics, look no further than a fact concerning the sample standard deviation. The sample standard deviation of a data set is equal to zero if and only if all of the data values are identical. We break this biconditional statement into a conditional and its converse. Then we see that this statement means both of the following: If the standard deviation is zero, then all of the data values are identical.If all of the data values are identical, then the standard deviation is equal to zero. Proof of Biconditional If we are attempting to prove a biconditional, then most of the time we end up splitting it. This makes our proof have two parts. One part we prove is â€Å"if P then Q.† The other part of the proof we need is â€Å"if Q then P.† Necessary and Sufficient Conditions Biconditional statements are related to conditions that are both necessary and sufficient. Consider the statement â€Å"if today is Easter, then tomorrow is Monday.† Today being Easter is sufficient for tomorrow to be Monday, however, it is not necessary. Today could be any Sunday other than Easter, and tomorrow would still be Monday. Abbreviation The phrase â€Å"if and only if† is used commonly enough in mathematical writing that it has its own abbreviation. Sometimes the biconditional in the statement of the phrase â€Å"if and only if† is shortened to simply â€Å"iff.† Thus the statement â€Å"P if and only if Q† becomes â€Å"P iff Q.†

Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Darkness of Colonialism and Imperialism in Heart of...

The Light and Dark of Colonialism in Heart of Darkness In the opening of his novel, Heart of Darkness, Conrad, through Marlow, establishes his thoughts on colonialism. He says that conquerors only use brute force, nothing to boast of because it arises, by accident, from anothers weakness. Marlow compares his subsequent tale of colonialism with that of the Roman colonization of Northern Europe and the fascination associated with such an endeavor. However, Marlow challenges this viewpoint by painting a heinous picture of the horrors of colonialist ventures as we delve deeper into the recesses of the novel. Here we find that Marlow sees colonization as robbery with violence, aggravated murder on a great scale, and men going at†¦show more content†¦Like Marlow, Kurtz began his employment with the ivory company with noble intentions: he wants to create a better way of life for the natives. However, because of extreme hardships placed upon him by the manager, Kurtz becomes the dark half of the soul: he symbolizes what Marlow may have become if placed in Kurtz position. As the treacherous villain of the tale the manager, signifies total darkness and blackness of the soul, as he is responsible for the severely unbalanced priorities of the company through the extreme importance given to the obtaining of ivory and the deficiency of importance given to human lives. Conrad also implements minor characters to further the unexpected distinction between dark and light, black and white. The white pilgrims are portrayed as materialistic, ivory-hungry opportunists with black souls; their behavior is violent and savage. Contrariwise, the black natives are civil, spiritual, and have white souls. In the beginning of the novel, Conrad creates the fellow seamen who accompany Marlow on his present journey and listen to his tale of the Congo to establish the contrast between the materialistic and the spiritual. The fellow sailors do not understand Marlows tale and chastise him throughout, showing their reluctance and inability toShow MoreRelated Theme of Colonialism and Imperialism in Conrads Heart of Darkness1008 Words   |  5 PagesThe Theme of Imperialism in Heart of Darkness       Of the themes in Conrads Heart of Darkness, imperialism and colonialism are probably the most important. While Heart of Darkness is actually set on the Thames River, the events Marlow describes are set on the Congo River. The Congo is the river that brought about the partition of Africa that occurred from 1880 to 1890 (McLynn 13). This event marked the beginning of the colonization of Africa. In 1884, European nations held a conference andRead MoreImperialism And Colonialism In Joseph Conrads Heart Of Darkness1302 Words   |  6 Pagesstructures such as imperialism and colonialism can affect the way in which an individual experiences the world. Those born into the so-called â€Å"First World† countries have been privileged in that they have not felt the burden of such societal structure, as compared to those born into those â€Å"Second World† countries. These individuals have dealt with the pressures of Westernized society in such a way that their entire way of l ife has been transformed. Those whose countries hold values of imperialism and colonialismRead More Colonialism and Imperialism in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness2027 Words   |  9 Pages   Joseph Conrads novella, Heart of Darkness, describes a life-altering journey that the protagonist, Marlow, experiences in the African Congo.   The story explores the historical period of colonialism in Africa to exemplify Marlows struggles.   Marlow, like other Europeans of his time, is brought up to believe certain things about colonialism, but his views change as he experiences colonialism first hand. This essay will explore Marlows view of colonialism, which is shaped through his experiencesRead More Colonialism and Imperialism in Heart of Darkness and A Passage to India1683 Words   |  7 Pages It is best to analyze the works, Heart of Darkness and A Passage to India, applying the historical and cultural conditions of the society in which they were produced. The relations between groups and classes of people that imperialism sets up, and that these two works explore, starkly reveals the contradictions within capitalism in a way that a similar piece of fiction set within one culture and dealing with characters from that culture alone cannot. Prior to the analysis however, I would likeRead More Condemnation of Colonialism and Imperialism in Heart of Darkness561 Words   |  3 PagesCondemnation of Imperialism in Heart of Darkness      Ã‚   Though Conrad did not learn English until he was twenty-one, he still mastered the language and artfully uses it in Heart of Darkness. One sentence of his is particularly striking, as it sums up the views that he condemns throughout the novella. The accountant, one of the first imperialists Marlow meets, says to him, When one has got to make correct entries, one comes to hate these savages-hate them to the death(Conrad). This sentenceRead More Colonialism and Imperialism - A Post-colonial Study of Heart of Darkness3270 Words   |  14 PagesA Post-colonial Study of Heart of Darkness         Ã‚  In this paper, Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness will be examined by using a recent movement, Post-colonial Study that mainly focuses on the relationship between the Self and the Other, always intertwined together in considering one’ identity.  Ã‚   The Other is commonly identified with the margin, which has been oppressed or ignored by Eurocentric, male-dominated history.  Ã‚   Conrad is also conscious of the Others interrelated status with the SelfRead More The Evil of Colonialism and Imperialism in Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad1559 Words   |  7 PagesEvil of Colonialism in Heart of Darkness   Ã‚  Ã‚   A masterpiece of twentieth-century writing, Heart of Darkness exposes the tenuous fabric that holds civilization together and the brutal horror at the center of European colonialism. Joseph Conrads novella, Heart of Darkness, describes a life-altering journey that the protagonist, Marlow, experiences in the African Congo.   The story explores the historical period of colonialism in Africa to exemplify Marlows struggles. Joseph Conrads Heart of DarknessRead More Comparing Colonialism and Imperialism in Heart of Darkness and Kiplings Poetry1515 Words   |  7 PagesImperialism in Heart of Darkness and Kiplings Poetry   Ã‚  Ã‚   Imperialism sprung from an altruistic and unselfish aim to take up the white mans burden1 and â€Å"wean [the] ignorant millions from their horrid ways.†2 These two citations are, of course, from Kipling’s â€Å"White Man’s Burden† and Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, respectively, and they splendidly encompass what British and European imperialism was about – at least seen from the late-nineteenth century point of view. This essay seeks to exploreRead MoreExposing Colonialism and Imperialism in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness1940 Words   |  8 PagesThe Evil of Colonialism Exposed in Heart of Darkness       Marlow was an average European man with average European beliefs. Like most Europeans of his time, Marlow believed in colonialism; that is, until he met Kurtz. Kurtz forces Marlow to rethink his current beliefs after Marlow learns the effects of colonialism deep in the African Congo. In Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, Marlow learns that he has lived his entire life believing in a sugar-coated evil.   Marlows understanding of KurtzsRead More Colonialism and Imperialism Exposed in Shooting an Elephant and Heart of Darkness1360 Words   |  6 Pagesan Elephant and Heart of Darkness      Ã‚  Ã‚   As a man is captured, his first instinct is to try and break free from his shackles and chains. Primal urges such as this often accompany humans when they are forced, as in capture, to rely on their most basic instincts to survive. In this manner, natives in Africa acted upon instinct when the Europeans arrived to take their land and freedom. The short story Shooting an Elephant by George Orwell and the novel Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Banning of Certain Books in School Libraries/ Classrooms

People read books about dystopians all the time, you know those books that have everything possible go wrong. Books like The Hunger games, or Fahrenheit 451, Ect. Some people look at them as just stories, just fictional books. Those books are all about censorship and having the government controlling and watching your every move. What most people dont realize is that there is censorship happening right now, every time you send a text or make a phone call, the government can see/hear it. There is censorship on books at schools and ratings on movies. There is censorship happening all around you and most of us dont even notice it. Thats because they are minor, but, over time things can progressively get worse. Someday those†¦show more content†¦We all know that when you get away with something your not supposed to be doing you get this certain rush. People like that feeling so theyll do it over and over again. Now, if you think about it, if they didnt ban certain books how many kids would actually read it? If people didnt make a big deal about it, how many kids would know that the book is bad and shouldnt be read at school? When you take the right to read a book away it just makes kids want to read it more. So instead of censoring what books are school friendly, and making a big deal about it, just leave it be and see what happens. Because, if the government keeps controlling this, a bigger problem will rise. Censorship in school libraries could lead to something more major because the government is controlling what kids can and cannot read. â€Å"There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them.† (4) In this quote by Joseph Brodsky, he is alluding to the book Fahrenheit 451. What hes saying is that there are brilliant books out there that contain knowledge and wonders of this world and most of them are being banned from schools. Hes saying there is an even worse crime than burning books is not reading them by choice or by someone elses choice.(6) â€Å"Where they have burned books, they will end in burning human beings.† (5) I find this quote by Heinrich Heine very important because it shows theShow MoreRelated Banning Harry Potter Impedes Upon Our Rights Essay970 Words   |  4 PagesBanning Harry Potter Impedes Upon Our Rights Muggles, Quidditch, and Hermoine. Do any of these words look familiar to you? If you are over the age of 11 then probably not these three words come from the Harry Potter book series. Muggles are non-magic people, quidditch is a ball game, and Hermoine is a young wizard and one of the main characters of the Potter series. I know these things because I have had the chance to read these wonderfully imaginative books. I believe itRead MoreEssay about Banning Books in Schools1066 Words   |  5 PagesSchool boards and teachers have a responsibility for protecting the minds of their students and covering age appropriate material. However, does this responsibility cover the extreme act of banning books from school classrooms? Does not the teacher have a duty to introduce to their students world issues in order to better the students ability to cope with problems in the world? How does a school decide which books should be banned from the classroom, and should it be left up to the teacher to decideRead MorePersuasive Essay Banning Books2002 Words   |  9 Pagesthere was no such thing as censoring books for young minds. People in that century didn’t see or feel a need to censor coarse language, scabrous actions, and situations. Now a day’s though, children are expected to be censored by their parents to protect their childhood innocence. Public schools ne ed children to acquire permission from their parents before they can read a novel with content that is considered improper. Daniel Radosh’s son came home from school with a note asking if it was fine ifRead More Harry Potter: Good or Evil? Essay1486 Words   |  6 PagesUnfortunately, today there are issues of censorship that stifle a person’s creativity. The most recent book being criticized by censors is J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series. Censors claim that the reading of such novels encourages witchcraft, and therefore should be banned. Although critics of the Harry Potter series are well intentioned in their ideas of banning this novel in schools, the actual banning of the novel is far more destructive. What these critics fail to recognize is that the reading ofRead MoreEssay on Censorship and Book Banning1838 Words   |  8 Pagessociety instills. Book banning is a prime target for censorship. Censorship in print media, notably book banning, occurs across homes, schools, stores, and other facilities daily. Censorship in the schools is the most widespread and exposed place for book banning. Do administrators and school boards have the right to ban books? Are we taking away the rights of children to read? In case of Island Trees Schools District V. Pico in New York, the Supreme Court gave the school board broad discretionRead MoreEssay on Banning Books4604 Words   |  19 PagesBanning Books â€Å"It’s not just the books under fire now that worry me. It is the books that will never be written, the books that will never be read. And all due to the fear of censorship. As always, young readers will be the real losers† (Blume 1999). Judy Blume can not explain the problem of book censorship any clearer. The children are the real losers because they are the ones that are not able to read the classic works of literature which are the backbone of classroom discussions all acrossRead MoreCensorship And Its Impact On Society Essay1658 Words   |  7 Pagesall throughout time books have majorly impacted civilizations across the world with their influential and thought- provoking words and content known in schools. Opinions have spur the intellect of the young creating many of the revolutionaries we have come to love and praise. Literature has been an important aspect of human life. It is the way we keep records of past events and it is the process in which we co nvey our feelings through pen and paper. The practice of burning books has long stopped butRead MoreComparing Harry Potter And Charlotte s Web And The Chronicles Of Narnia1583 Words   |  7 Pagescommon: they are beloved, classic books read by children throughout the world. But that’s not the only trait the novels share -- they have also all been challenged by various schools and organizations for religious purposes. â€Å"Harry Potter† and Charlotte s Web† have been deemed blasphemous by some devout religious followers -- the former because it promotes witchcraft and the later because it gives humanistic qualities to animals. But it is not only because a book can be viewed as sacrilegious thatRead MoreCensorship Is Only A Temporary Setback1598 Words   |  7 Pagesthe banning of books has been an issue thoughout history. There has been violence similar to the book burnings by the firemen in the novel. In 2009, Harry Potter books as well as other novels and mu sic records were burned by Paster Jack Brock in front of his congregation. He felt that these books were evil and went against everyone’s religious beliefs. (Applebaum) In Bradbury’s novel, Guy Montag is a fireman who cannot understand why books have to be burned. He questions what is in the books thatRead MoreBanned Books On The American School System1824 Words   |  8 PagesBanned Books in the American School System Literary works are the foundation for education and are crucial for multiple reasons, some of which include that literature obtains a large variety of information that is at times not accessible to students by computers and teachers alone. Another advantage is adults and children alike improve their understanding and knowledge of certain topics whilst improving their intelligence of the language itself. Banning literary pieces of work is unjustifiable and

Marketing Plan for MarryBrown - 2415 Words

MARRYBROWN RESTAURANT CHAIN INTRODUCTION Ms Ponnoraliza says that Marrybrown is Malaysian home-grown restaurant chain. Founded in 1981, they have more than 350 outlets serving fried chicken, burgers, finger food, desserts and drinks. Marrybrown has extended the menu that includes seafood, rice based tproducts, noodles and porridge and they also offer a famous local Malaysian dish: Nasi Lemak (offered as â€Å"Nasi Marrybrown†). The restaurant’s one of the biggest advantage is offering halal food, to dominate halal based countries, and preventing weak direct competition with some larger fast food chains. In the 1980s Marrybrown became the first fast food chain to franchise in Malaysia (Marry Brown). Marrybrown is the largest home-grown quick†¦show more content†¦In three years Marrybrown has also targeted to set up 15 outlets in Southern Thailand, while this year from June until December it aims to open 15 new outlets in Malaysia. For now, there are more than 400 Marrybrown outlets in Malaysia, China, Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Tanzania, the United Arab Emirates, Kuw ABOUT THE COMPANY SWOT Analysis Malaysian based fast food chain started back in 1980s, Marrybrown is the nation’s largest fast food chain with 400 outlets in 11. Half of its outlets are in Malaysia and others in abroad. It is the only fast food chain that satisfies halal food customers (Marrybrown.com.my, 2012). Marrybrown serves the food at affordable price and is the first Malaysian fast food franchise in the country. Marrybrown’s core values are high quality food, fast service, clean environment and great value for money. Marrybrown is expanding internationally to become a global fast food industry. Soon it will open in Syria, Azerbaijan and Iran. Marrybrown has been awarded Malaysia International Home grown Franchise of The Year in the years of 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 and promising franchiser award in India. Strength a) High quality food b) Halal food c) Unique fast food concept-Marrybrown carries a unique concept which brings about a fun and exciting eat-out experience. d) Adaptability to the market. Weakness a) Niche target market b) Intense competition c) Competitors quality of products and services Opportunities a) Growing

New Belgium Brewing Companys Environmental and Social Responsibilities

Question: Discuss about theNew Belgium Brewing Companys Environmental and Social Responsibilities. Answer: Introduction As in the case study, New Belgium Breweries is corporate citizen that is very sensitive to wellbeing of fellow citizens living around it and consumers of their products. The company seems to have done research and well understood hazards of environmental pollution. That is why they apply modern environmental friendly methods in production of beer. A friendly environment enhances good social relations among co-worker and customers. NBB has been successful within a short period because they have been able to adopt good governance that respects and involves opinions of both the management and workers. Views and suggestions of customers are taken into consideration the process of decision making too. Collaboration of the company with other craft brewers has greatly influenced its efficiency in producing quality beers. An example is a beer that was brewed in collaboration Anaheim and Marash Chilies (Fernando, 2009). Quality has made NBB the talk in local drinking joints in and outside Col orado. The biggest advertisement platform of this companys products is through its customers word of mouth. Belgium brewing company works to address various environmental issues due to its environmental issues. Recycling used materials and creative strategies of reuse. The company involves itself in recycling of materials such as amber glass that that makes bottles, cardboard boxes, office materials and keg caps. Recycling involves the use of old used materials into new products. Though recycling has got its own effects, it advantages outweighs those few effects. Extraction and processing of raw materials is minimised hence reducing emission of harmful gases, water pollution air pollution, energy consumption and excessive waste disposal. it has improved creation of jobs such as green jobs where beneficiaries are able to sustain their families and standardise their lifestyle. Reduction in extraction of raw materials conserves them for future consumption. NBB as responsible corporate citizen minds for the future of its country and generations to come (Adisa Azapagic, 2007). Minimising energy consumption helps in cutting the manufacturing costs. Nowadays industries are the main causes of pollution.; industries like NBB that prefer recycling products instead of throwing them away saves the society from a bunch of health hazard. This is a way of environmental conservation too. The brewery also believes in the spirit of helping people around its environments. Instead of throwing away or burning used barley rejects that are of no use to the company anymore, they store it in the companys on-premise silos. Pig farmers within the environs of NBB are later invited to collect the remains for feeding pigs. Three Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle) of environmental stewardship are highly embraced at NBB breweries. Employees of the company are encouraged to use alternative transportation methods to curb the use of fossil fuel. Fossil fuel burn emits CFCs and CO2 which increase global warming. Alleviation of global warming and ill effects that comes with it creates an eco-friendly environment. Using 3.5 gallons of water to make a gallon of beer is a big step to conserving water. NBB wants to make sure that water usage is minimised to save it for fellow citizens and for future use (Asongu, 2007). They have developed tactics to clean and treat used water for reuse. NBB recycles 99.9 percent of its waste water. This is a strong stance towards sustainability that the breweries. Sustainability refers to act of remaining relevant and productive indefinitely (Jeucken, 2004). Use of recycled materials cuts the cost of production therefore increasing profitability of the brewery. High profits portray good governance of a company and the spirit of going concern. Automatically the company has the potential to sustain its productivity in the long run. NBB aims to grow bigger and capture more in the states and outside states. New Belgiums focus on social responsibility provides a key competitive advantage for the company. With the rampant growth of technology people have come to appreciate and embrace social relations among themselves. Emerging and fast growth of social sites such as Face book and twitter provides a clear proof to this argument. Actually the world has become such a small village. This means with no doubts people would welcome any institution that promotes social relations. Adopting corporate social responsibility develops a better image of the organisation to its customers hence strengthening its performance. CRS associated activities are being used by various companies for their corporate branding. CRS as a tool of management has motivated several companies towards responsible competition. The idea of involving people has helped the company convince many customers who have come to love their products. NBB beer is the best selling in Colorado today than any other brand from even bigger co mpanies (Peter Newman, 2008). The more they get involved in social responsibilities the more popular the company and its products become popular. Though some people in the society think that companies in the line of business the same as new Belgiums cannot fulfil their social responsibility, NBB has acted contrary to that believe. Its actions and initiatives are key indications of a socially responsible corporation. All activities conducted by NBB are advantageous both to the society and the corporation. They have improved livelihood of farmers around by helping them feed their animals which supplement their food and used for commercial purposes (Idowu Nicholas Capaldi, 2015). Organising of social effects has helped people come together helping them build economical and social bonds. These events make it easier for the company to sell itself to the people. NBB respects transparency and ethical issues in promoting health and welfare of the society. This is reflected in their brand statement displayed in every six pack of New Belgium beers. In this box is our labor of love. We feel incredibly lucky to be creating something fine that enhances peoples lives References Adisa Azapagic, A. E. I. H., 2007. Polymers: The Environment and Sustainable Development. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons,. Asongu, J. J., 2007. Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility in Practice. Chicago: Greenview Publishing Co.. Center, G. E. C. R., 2009. Global Economic Crisis: Impact on Business Ethics and Society. Boston, Massachusetts: Cengage Learning. Fernando, A. C., 2009. Corporate Ethics, Governance, And Social Responsibility: Precepts And Practices. New York: Pearson Education India,. Tyler Miller, S. S., 2008. Living in the Environment: Principles, Connections, and Solutions. Boston, Massachusetts: Cengage Learning. Idowu, S. O. Nicholas Capaldi, 2015. Dictionary of Corporate Social Responsibility: CSR, Sustainability, Ethics and Governance. Berlin: Springer. Jeucken, M., 2004. Sustainability in Finance: Banking on the Planet. Delft, Netherlands: Eburon Uitgeverij B.V. Peter Newman, J. K., 2008. Sustainability and Cities. Washington, D.C.: Island Press. Rendtorff, J. D., 2009. Responsibility, Ethics and Legitimacy of Corporations. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press DK. Vzquez, E., 2012. Progress of Recycling in the Built Environment: Final report of the RILEM Technical Committee. Berlin, Germany: Springer Science Business Media.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Business Description In The Form Of A Study-Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Business Description In The Form Of A Study? Answer: Introduction: The new venture is a restaurant that is to be set up. To start the proposed business venture firstly the concept for the restaurant has to be decided and to keep up with the traditional cuisine of the place it is to be set up in. The location of the restaurant has been decided keeping in mind the competitors and the necessity of the space available for parking. The traditional home-style restaurant is supposed to be a moderately priced 100-seat restaurant that offers family style food and service. The menu has everything from roasted chicken, pot roast, steaks, pork chops along with classic dishes and generous salads. The owners of the restaurant have valid experience in the industry of restaurant and catering. The dcor of the restaurant will have wood accented chairs with purple and white checked tablecloths (Solomon 2014). The wooden chairs with seating cushions that are comfortable for the diners will surround the dinner style tables. The main objective is to be the foremost home- style restaurant in the location it is to be set up. The restaurant should provide quality meals that are at reasonable prices with commendable services. The owners will be aware of the well-being of their customers and staff treating each and everyone with dignity and respect. The will be a provision of affectionate and open service from this family-style restaurant by creating an informal and relaxed environment that will enable the consumers return to the restaurant again and again. The restaurant will use quality ingredients for the items that are stated in the menu (Bryman and Bell 2015). The restaurant owners will be hiring the best chefs and offer guidance to them to keep the chef motivated to achieve the desired results for the growth of the restaurant. The employees have to be motivated and there will be communication between the chefs, employees and the owners so that the food and service given to the customers is of the best quality. Business Opportunities research and analysis The business opportunity will involve the sale of the products of the restaurant, service and equipment that will enable the beginning of the business. The location of the restaurant has been decided keeping in mind the competitors and the necessity of the space available for parking. There will be the involvement of network marketing that covers the realm of the direct sales and multilevel marketing. Each customer who visits the restaurant previously should want to return to dine and propose them. The word of mouth form of marketing is an influential ally. Convenience is essential for the setting up of this restaurant. There is a need to be close to the market, as the owners are not demanding to get people to travel to reach the restaurant. A variety in the menu is being offered with a theme of down home and is sensibly priced to establish credibility, but not so high as to limit the number of consumers. The idea and inspiration for this restaurant is taken from life situations and surroundings. This business idea is based on skills and interests of the owners (Zikmund et al. 2013). The entrepreneur needs to have substantial experience and passion for this activity as it involves the risk that the restaurant will be established rather from love to hobby than with the aim to satisfy market needs. The business opportunity then will be transformed into abusiness plan. During the stage of the idea implementation, the market needs are identified along with the amount of required resources. The elaboration of this business plan will include the processing of the financial section. This is performed by the estimation of the future created value and estimate of income. In the end, thebusiness plan is at disposal (Ward 2016). Marketing Strategy The marketing strategy that will be followed to promote the restaurant is through the help of social media. The demand for visual content is high online these days. The updating photographs of food items that are mouth watering and delicious on the website of the restaurant is essential to attract the customers (Kajanus et al. 2012). Experienced photographers can take these photographs. The collaborating with the online food applications is a definite strategy for marketing. This enables and encourages the visitors to check out the features and menu of the restaurant and may offer discount at times. There should be a space where the owners of the restaurant provide the details of the restaurant, which includes the photographs, store hours, location, menu, price range, and the facilities that the restaurant provides. The royal restaurant should set up an account on the Google search engine. This will help the restaurant appear through Googles Knowledge Graph. There will be the use of geo-targeted advertisements that will help to save money ensuring that only certain cities or within a specific radius can view the advertisements. The sending out of an email newsletter is also a marketing strategy to be followed by the restaurant (Baker 2014). Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Prime location with easy access. Exceptional staff with the can do attitude. Recruiting and retaining quality employees. The Tight margins will allow little wiggle room for error. Little barriers to entry allows for immediate business opportunities. Offering additional catering services Government mandates (restaurant operation, food safety, and worker security at the federal level and health, hygiene, safety, fire at the local level). The rise in the operating costs. The building and maintenance sales volume. Due to the small size, it is to be believed to provide exceptional quality by hand selecting our market specials when compared to the larger corporate competitors. The owner has catering industry experience and has established a customer market. Business Operations The area of business operations covers the generation of recurring income, increase in the value of the business assets and the securing of the income and value of the business. This is to maximize the value harvested from the business assets. The more amount of recurring income the asset generates the more valuable it becomes. The increase in the value of the product increases the recurring income that is generated. The essential value and the income generating prospective of the asset are not realized unless there is a way to secure it (Slack 2015). There should be a sustained delivery of the goods and services to the customers at a cost that is less than the funds that are acquired in exchange of the said goods and the self-employee services to make a profit. The funds that are acquired by the business in the exchange for the goods and services it delivers is the revenue for this business (Khalili Shavarini et al. 2013). The restaurant arrangement that includes the dining room, ki tchen and serving line will be designed for the efficiency and flexibility so that it can provide accommodation for the fluctuation in customer traffic and peak meal periods. Technology Automatic biodiesel converters As far as the cooking fuel is concerned, the restaurant must use eco-friendly fuels. This can be done by using automatic biodiesel converters, which can turn used animal or vegetable oil free from its added pollutants or the industrial grade biodiesel (Yang 2017). LED Alert systems The restaurant will use this technology, as it is often it is seen that the kitchens are loud and noisy when many kinds of stuff are working together or are busy in communicating with different languages (Axelsson, Malmberg and Zhang 2017). This device helps in making the work much faster, easier and smooth by lighting the floor under the dishwashing sink or the wall above the deep fryer to show or rather alert the kitchen staffs that the work is done and ready to be used. Tablet restaurant management This is the era of fast-paced life and people are always in a hurry, often it really becomes a very tough job, taking the catalog, going through it and then selecting the food according to the price. In order to save people from all these confusions, this flexible iPad app was developed which uses particular software in order to give a real time view of tables, catalog, dishes along with their ingredients and price, then it processes sales and delivery tickets and sends orders to the kitchen. This will also be adopted by the restaurant for increasing its sales and making the work easier. HR Strategy HR strategies highlight on the actions that are adopted by an organization to manage the policies and practices in the human resource management system (Malik 2016). HR strategy includes the process through which the practice and the policies are integrated within a business. High-performance management is one of the important HR strategies that include recruitment, training, reward and performance management. In the context of Royal restaurant, performance management strategy will be effective to improve their skills of employees and to maximize their performance. Resourcing is another vital strategy of HR to manage the financial and human resources within an organization (Soni 2016). This strategy will be applied by Royal restaurant to enhance their financial stability and to increase their work force. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is another HR strategy that is appropriate for the food industry. However, by following this strategy, Royal restaurant will be able to manage t heir food waste through taking CSR activities and it will be helpful for them to maintain the environmental sustainability. Moreover, employee engagement and employee relationship management will be undertaken by Royal restaurant to motivate their employees and to encourage them in their work. Apart from this reward, strategy will be adopted by this organization to motivate the employees towards their work and it maximizes their performance. Financial Considerations Proper management of the financial resources is a crucial part of a start up business. However, it is important for the new venture to use available resources for their new venture (Svensson et al. 2016). The first thing that this venture will do is to select the correct financing method. It must have a sound debt financing ability so that it can pay off any debts within the right time without any delay (Hua, Xiao and Yost 2013).Long term loans can be taken but at the same time, the business must be able to pay the significant amount of interest. At times, the restaurant will also use the prepay obligation that is paying the loan obligation prior to its due date. All the associated costs are to be calculated properly and this will be done before making any crucial decision so that the business can be okay with the final cost. In the context of Royal restaurant, online resources will be undertaken by this organization to get proper guidance. Conclusion Therefore, such organization needs to make a list of requirements of equipment and its cost. 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